Cow performance: bridging the gap between absolute and dynamic body condition | Dellait

Alvaro Garcia

The measurement of body weight is not a reliable indicator of the nutritional status of dairy cows. To illustrate this, consider that the contents of the cow’s digestive system weigh around 200 lbs., while its daily intake consists of nearly 100 lbs. of feed (fresh weight) and 160 to 240 lbs. of water (based on the weight of one gallon being 8 lbs.). Additionally, the cow excretes over 120 lbs. of fresh manure and urine per day (NRC 2001) and produces 50 to 100-plus lbs. of milk. As a result, fluctuations in daily body weight can affect the accuracy of assessing actual changes in body mass. A more effective approach to evaluating the nutritional status of cows is through body condition scoring (BCS). Although subjective, body condition scoring is a practical and valuable visual assessment tool for determining the nutritional status of cattle.

The ideal body condition for dairy cows at peak milk production is typically considered to be close to 3.0 on a 5-point scale. A BCS of 3.0 represents a cow with moderate body fat reserves, while 3.5 indicates slightly higher fat reserves. It is important to note that the ideal BCS varies depending on factors such as breed, stage of lactation, and individual cow characteristics. Dairy farmers and nutritionists often monitor cows closely and adjust their feeding and management practices to ensure cows maintain the desired BCS throughout lactation. It is important to consider that cows of good genetics often experience a decline of 0.5 point in BCS during early lactation which underscores the significance of an adequate BCS at calving.

Recent research sheds light on the dynamic nature of BCS and its fluctuations during critical periods. Recognizing the significance of dynamic BCS, the integration of cutting-edge 3D camera technology emerges as a transformative approach. Illustrated in Figure 1 are the real-time dynamic changes in BCS within a lactating dairy cow, captured daily by a 3D camera. Unlike the past, where a single instantaneous BCS measurement for a cow was obtained—such as 3.0 on day 63 in milk, akin to a solitary frame in a film—3D camera technology now enables us to capture the entire “film” of BCS dynamics. For instance, in this example days 65 to 70 portray the fluid progression of this cow’s BCS, unveiling its potential for ovulation compared to another cow experiencing BCS loss.

Breakthrough research has delved into the relationship between BCS and fertility. Conducted across multiple experiments, this investigation showed the connections that underscore the significance of BCS during crucial windows. In an experiment by Carvalho et al. in 2014 involving 1,103 synchronized cows, those with lower BCS exhibited notably lower pregnancy rates achieved through artificial insemination (P/AI) compared to their higher BCS counterparts (40.4% vs. 49.2%). A second experiment by Stevenson and Atanasov (2022) focused on BCS changes post-calving revealed a striking pattern: cows that lost BCS had the lowest P/AI (22.8%), those that maintained BCS showed intermediate results (36.0%), and cows that gained BCS displayed the highest P/AI (78.3%). This underlines the important concept – more than the absolute BCS value, what really matters is the dynamics of change.

A third experiment concentrated on body weight changes within 71 lactating cows during early postpartum weeks. Interestingly, while quartiles of body weight change didn’t affect ovulation count or embryo collection, they played a decisive role in embryo development. Cows with significant body weight change exhibited lower percentages of fertilized oocytes developing into transferable embryos, with a notable increase in degenerated embryos. These findings collectively spotlight the role of BCS changes in dairy cow fertility, offering dairy farmers invaluable insights for optimizing reproductive success.

The negative impact on fertility of low BCS (≤2.50) around AI was evident. However, the changes in BCS during the first three weeks after calving were found to have a more significant effect on P/AI during the initial timed AI. This effect can be partially attributed to the decrease in embryo quality and the increase in degenerate embryos by day 7 after AI, particularly in cows that experienced greater body weight loss during the first to third week postpartum. This underscores the importance of BCS dynamics rather than an absolute recommended value.

Furthermore, two independent dairy studies conducted in Israel and Germany demonstrated the profound impact that BCS holds on the overall health, fertility, and productivity of dairy herds. The Israeli study followed 2162 cows across eight commercial Holstein herds. This research examined the effects of BCS at pivotal stages: during drying off, post-calving, and throughout dry periods. They used sophisticated statistical methodologies, including multiple logistic regressions and general linear models, to unveil the intricate relationships between BCS and health, fertility, and milk yield. The German study evaluated the effects of BCS change and status during the pre- and postpartum phases. A cohort of 234 German Holstein cows from eight diverse dairy farms participated in the study, which tracked BCS from six weeks prior to calving until 20 weeks postpartum, observing 2-week intervals. To gain further insights, progesterone concentrations in blood serum were tested at 3 and 5 weeks postpartum to detect cyclicity.

The findings showcased the undeniable significance of BCS in dairy cow well-being and performance. In Israel, cows underconditioned at calving faced increased risks of post-parturient uterine diseases, while those with greater BCS loss during the dry period suffered from retained placenta and metritis. Intriguingly, cows with higher BCS at calving exhibited a reduced risk of anestrus, suggesting the multifaceted influence of BCS on reproduction. The German study, too, unveiled complex correlations; cows with lower BCS status at calving and during early lactation were at a heightened risk of lameness, non-cycling status, and increased culling rates. Furthermore, cows that maintained BCS without loss during the pre-calving period exhibited remarkable advantages, from improved AI intervals to a lower risk of displaced abomasum.

In essence, these latter two studies, conducted on different continents and in varying contexts, coincided on one thing: BCS is vital to dairy cow performance. Its influence extends across health, reproduction, and productivity, offering farmers a valuable tool to enhance the well-being and efficiency of their herds. Understanding dairy cow fertility transcends the simplicity of measuring body weight due to the myriad factors at play within a cow’s complex physiology. Once a subjectively assessed metric, body condition scoring has evolved into a potent tool. The integration of 3D cameras eradicates this past subjectivity, providing a practical window into the nutritional status of cattle, aiding in identifying optimal conditions for peak milk production, health, and reproductive performance.

Leveraging 3D cameras, dairy farmers can track BCS changes daily with precision, allowing timely interventions and tailored nutrition strategies. This not only mitigates potential fertility issues but also optimizes semen allocation for more promising results. In conclusion, these studies from distinct corners of the globe align in showcasing the critical role of BCS in dairy cow performance and fertility. Embracing the dynamic nature of BCS and harnessing 3D camera technology equips dairy farmers with a potent toolkit to enhance reproductive success, elevate herd health, and ensure sustainable dairy management practices.

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