Lameness effects on behavior and well-being during transition | Dellait

Álvaro García

The transition period of dairy cows’ spans from three weeks before to three weeks after calving, marking a critical phase of physiological and metabolic adjustment. Despite its prevalence, lameness in dairy cows is often overlooked during this crucial period. Detecting lameness based on claw disorders can be challenging due to cows masking pain until it becomes severe. Lameness not only compromises animal well-being but also leads to economic losses through increased culling rates, reduced production, and impaired fertility.

Recent Research Insights

A 2021 study at Utrecht University assessed lameness prevalence from the onset of the dry period through eight weeks postpartum, correlating it with body condition score (BCS) changes. Using neck sensors to monitor feeding behaviors and leg sensors to track walking and lying behaviors, the study revealed a progressive increase in high lameness scores (3 to 5) among dairy cows during transition. The percentage of cows with these scores rose from the early dry period to eight weeks postpartum, indicating significant shifts in lameness intensity over time.

Fluctuations in BCS were observed, with an initial increase during the dry period followed by a decline post-calving. Individual cows showed varying changes, highlighting BCS dynamics’ role in predisposing cows to lameness. Severely lame cows took fewer daily steps and had longer lying times compared to non-lame cows. Lame cows also had significantly shorter eating times, indicating lameness’s impact on feed intake during critical periods. The study emphasizes the need for management strategies to reduce lameness risks during transition.


Commercial farm observations

Following a couple of examples of cows in transition from a Dutch farm, where state-of-the-art 3D imaging technology is used to assess body weight, body condition, and lameness at each milking.

Cow 948 is a primiparous cow, currently 67 days in milk with a BCS of 4.36, down from 4.6 at calving. Analysis of her BCS evolution shows she has consistently been over-conditioned by more than a point without significant drops. She peaked at an average of 88 pounds of milk, approximately 10 pounds below her expected production. She started showing signs of lameness before parturition (0.5 points from normal), then dropped by a full point at calving, and has hovered around that locomotion score since. Despite experiencing lameness, cow 948 managed to maintain her BCS reasonably well. It’s important to note that while lameness is typically associated with reduced eating time as reported in the study, individual variations and adaptations can occur. Detailed behavioral data specific to this cow would be necessary to fully understand the mechanisms behind her maintained BCS despite her lameness.

Cow 603 is another primiparous cow below expected milk yield, with extremely erratic production fluctuating by 30 to 50 pounds nearly every other day. She carries a BCS of 3.4, almost on target for this stage of lactation. She experienced a significant change of 1.5 points in locomotion score early in the dry period, almost recovered halfway through, and then suddenly dropped again by 1 point at calving. This indicates a recurrent lameness problem that needs attention.

Care Suggestions:

Cow 948

Continuous monitoring of BCS, milk production, and locomotion is essential to detect changes early and adjust management practices accordingly. Regular hoof trimming should be implemented to prevent worsening of lameness. Ensure a balanced diet that supports both milk production and recovery from lameness without leading to excessive weight gain, given her tendency to over-condition. Use anti-inflammatory medications or pain relief as needed to improve her comfort and mobility.

Cow 603

Close monitoring of BCS, milk production, and locomotion scores is necessary to understand the impact of interventions and adjust them as needed. Ensure she receives a diet that supports lactation without causing excessive weight fluctuations and address any nutritional deficiencies that might contribute to her erratic milk production. Frequent and detailed hoof inspections and trimming are essential to address her recurrent lameness issue. Provide comfortable bedding to reduce pressure on her hooves and encourage lying down. Develop a comprehensive treatment plan for her recurrent lameness, which may include corrective hoof trimming, medications, and other interventions.

Comparative Care

Cow 948’s care focuses on maintaining her relatively stable condition, ensuring she does not gain excessive weight, and managing her mild lameness to prevent further issues. In contrast, Cow 603 requires a more intensive approach due to her recurrent lameness. This includes more frequent hoof care, targeted nutritional support, and possible environmental adjustments. Both cases emphasize the importance of adapting management strategies to address the specific needs of each cow, thereby optimizing their productivity during the transition period.

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