Modern assessment of morphological traits in dairy cow | Dellait

Álvaro García

In the early days of dairy production, conformation traits such as height and body frame were crucial indicators of a cow’s potential for high milk production and health. Modern dairy farming, however, has shifted focus towards short-term productivity metrics like milk yield per day or per lactation to maximize profitability. This emphasis can sometimes overlook long-term factors such as cow stayability (its longevity and productivity) in the herd. High-producing cows excelling in short-term metrics may lack traits for sustained health and productivity over multiple lactations, leading to reduced tenure in the farm. For example, in the U.S., where Holsteins make up about 90% of the cow population, these cows typically produce milk for an average of 729 days (about 2.4 lactations) before being culled at an average age of less than 5 years.

Key factors influencing cow stayability include health, disease resistance, reproductive efficiency, nutritional management, environmental adaptability, and effective management practices. Healthy cows with good reproductive performance and adaptability are likely to have longer, more productive lives. Advanced technologies, like 3D imaging systems, allow farmers to monitor these traits with continuous, precise data visualized in real time and tracked over the entire lactation. Prioritizing these parameters enables informed decisions to enhance herd productivity and sustainability while maintaining long-term health and longevity.

Stature and weight

Using modern 3D camera morphological traits are measured in the cow at each milking resulting in more than 600 measurements during a 305-day lactation. Repeated measurements greatly enhance the precision and reliability of the data. Additionally, the evolution of these traits can be graphically displayed by clicking on the graph icon in the picture below.

While some traits remain stable throughout the cow’s lifetime, monitoring the progression of others can provide valuable farm management insights. Stature in first calf and second-calf heifers is crucial, indicating growth and development important for future productivity and health. This measurement is particularly relevant in the US, where dairy herds are predominantly between 2 and 3 lactations. Proportionate measurements aligned with age, breed standards, and functional needs indicate good skeletal development and potential for health and productivity.

Studies show that wither height in Holstein cows correlates with milk production, with taller animals typically yielding more milk due to their larger body frame, which supports greater feed intake and utilization. However, regional or production system factors must be considered, as taller cows may not be suitable in resource-limited or grazing conditions. Research has determined that heifers with greater height at calving tend to achieve higher first-lactation milk production, underscoring the importance of selecting optimal wither height for enhanced productivity. Height ranges typically from 1.55 meters (61 inches) to 1.70 meters (67 inches) at the withers (top of the shoulders) for mature Holsteins. Holsteins, known for their larger size, vary in height based on genetics and nutrition, with 1.61 meters (63.4 inches), as observed in this case, considered average to slightly above average.

Body weight changes in both primiparous and multiparous cows (those that have had multiple calvings) are also critical. Monitoring these weight changes can provide insights into the cow’s nutritional status, health, and overall well-being. By hovering over each data point in the graph below, the actual weight of the cow on that specific day is displayed, providing valuable information for cattle management, especially for cows during the transition period (21 days before to 21 days after calving).

Accurate weight data allows for precise diet adjustments, reducing metabolic disorders and serving as an early health indicator. It helps manage calving difficulties, predicts milk production capacity, and aids in post-calving recovery. This monitoring enhances close-up cow management, leading to better health outcomes, improved calving success, optimized productivity, and increased dairy operation sustainability and profitability


Angularity is measured around the hips, pins, and withers, reflecting the angular appearance of bones and joints in these areas. It correlates with structural soundness and milk production potential, indicating efficient conversion of feed into milk. Research confirms strong genetic correlations between angularity and milk production traits; more angular cows tend to convert feed more effectively, enhancing dairy performance. Optimal angularity selection balances robustness and milk efficiency, fostering improved productivity and longevity. However, excessive angularity can adversely affect body condition and reproductive performance. In Holstein cows, it ranges widely depending on individual variation, generally from 2 to 5 degrees. Angularity reflects body structure and muscle. A value of 3.65 degrees indicates moderate angularity, desirable in dairy cows for balance between body depth and muscling, typical for Holsteins.

Hip Width

Hip width is crucial for calving ease, reproductive health, and body conformation. A wider hip width reduces calving complications by providing a larger pelvic area, lowering dystocia risks for both cow and calf. It also supports reproductive performance by reducing injuries during calving. Efficient calving indirectly boosts milk production, as cows that calve easily return to optimal production levels faster, enhancing profitability by lowering veterinary costs and improving calf survival rates.

Three-dimensional modern imaging systems measure four critical hip dimensions: hooks top width and hooks maximum width, the angle between hooks and chest plane, and the hooks vertical plane to spine angle. Hooks top width (0.45) typically ranges from 0.40 to 0.50 meters and is crucial for assessing pelvic width, affecting calving ease and reproductive performance. Hooks max width (0.68), usually between 0.60 and 0.70 meters, also play a significant role in reducing calving difficulties.

Chest Girth

Chest girth is crucial as it reflects overall body size, impacting feed intake, respiratory, and circulatory functions. This trait is vital for assessing health and productivity, especially in high-producing dairy cows. Strongly correlated with body weight, chest girth is a valuable indicator for monitoring and enhancing cow health and efficiency. Research shows it is highly predictive of live weight, essential for effective health, nutrition, and productivity management. In Holsteins, chest girth ranges from approximately 1.90 to 2.20 meters. A larger chest girth, around 2.09 meters, like in this cow supports higher feed intake and milk production, typical of strong Holstein conformation.

Modern 3D imaging systems continuously monitor these parameters, displaying data in graphs to track progression throughout lactation. This real-time monitoring allows for immediate management adjustments, optimizing herd health and productivity. Visualizing data helps farmers and researchers identify trends and make informed decisions, enhancing dairy operations effectively.

Monitoring morphological traits is essential for optimizing dairy cow productivity and longevity. Advanced technologies like 3D imaging systems enable continuous, precise monitoring, allowing real-time management adjustments. These traits are crucial for improving calving ease, reproductive efficiency, and feed conversion, directly impacting milk production and profitability. Properly managing these traits reduces health issues and enhances cow stayability, ensuring long-term productivity. Prioritizing morphological traits alongside weight and body condition fosters a holistic approach to dairy farming, maximizing immediate yield while promoting the herd’s long-term health and sustainability.

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