Dellait Research Center


The Dellait Research Center is a leading institution providing applied research and development (R&D) services to companies involved in the dairy industry

In today’s world, dairy businesses are facing difficult challenges. Industry consolidation along with changes in consumer perception of dairy products makes the dairy industry very competitive. Understanding and responding to the evolution of dairy farming is paramount to the enterprise’s success. Our team publishes emerging trends and research outputs that will impact the future of sustainable dairy production systems. We offer animal feed, health, and biotechnology companies in the dairy industry with the knowledge and insights needed to drive business results

In an ever-changing global dairy market, dairy businesses must work hard to stay ahead of the curve

Innovation plays a very important role in any business venture. “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower”.

(Steve Jobs)

The mission of the Dellait Research Center is to improve dairy production systems by facilitating the transfer and implementation of dairy research findings into real-world application

The Dellait Research Center is located within the Research Park at South Dakota State University. The Research Park at SDSU plays a unique role in science and technology-based economic development

The vision of the Dellait Research Center is to evolve the dairy industry focused on efficiency, cow welfare, and environmental sustainability.